No Photo Collection

Since the very first daguerreotype, photographs have been a way to capture a moment in time, a fleeting ephemeral memory into a physical manifestation to keep and revisit. Technological advancements have brought this sublime invention into the hands of many as hefty DSLRs, portable pocket-sized smart phones, and traditional film cameras. Photographs are ubiquitous in our human desire to remember and relive. It is a way of remembering where we’ve been, who we were, and what we’ve felt. But what other channels and spaces are able to encapsulate our memories?

My short zine called No Photo is a space to recall and recount through different kinds of media; ones that are less obvious and often forgotten in our digital, fast-paced era but are still very much potent. Moving away from photographs, we find new ways to navigate and bend time tracing old memories, feelings, and thoughts. We focus not on the photographic, but everything else: words, objects, and smells. It’s easy to forget the steps we took to get to who we are today. Leave the photographic behind, there is much more to our memories than our camera roll.

Featured on Confluence 

Sarah Hee Joo Hahn